negroid|negroids in English


['ne·groid || 'nɪːgrɔɪd]

one who resembles a negro; negro, black (derogatory in modern usage)

Use "negroid|negroids" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "negroid|negroids" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "negroid|negroids", or refer to the context using the word "negroid|negroids" in the English Dictionary.

1. These races were called Australoid, Mongoloid, Caucasoid, and Negroid

2. 4 synonyms for Blackamoor: Black person, Negro, Negroid, Black

3. 850 words PumpkinPerson STILL doesn't want to admit that Australasians aren't Negroid

4. Blacked (also: black, Negro, jig, coon, Negroid, blackamoor, blackie, darkie, darky, dinge)

5. Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid and Australoid They are each unique and distinct and classified according to genetics, phenotypes skull structure etc

6. 29 Numerous persons with only a few Negroid traits annually pass over and are ab-sorbed into the dominant Caucasoid population.

7. Many mistakenly assume (and in earlier ages it was thought) that Australoid and Negroid are same - this is NOT true and is …

8. Equatorial (Negro-Australoid) Race the collective name of the Negroid and Australoid races in the tropical zone of Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Oceania, and Australia

9. The remnant seed of “ Autochthonous Peoples of This Land ” formerly known as “ Turtle Island,” but today is called North America, are Australoid and/or Negroid in phenotype